Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Time to unfriend

Most of us love our social networks; they connect like minded people from all the corners of the globe.  We use them to share ideas, chat and stay in touch with people.  They make the world a smaller place to live.

Social networking is a massive phenomena, around two thirds of the world's population have social networking accounts, some people spend a huge amount of time online and some people don't use their accounts for months on end, their accounts are waiting for them when they want them.  But what happens to the accounts if they aren't used again? Do they close after a time? If so, after how long?  The answer to this is no they don't; they stay open until the accounts are closed.  

I know this to be true as I have personal experience with it.  Just over three years ago my brother died suddenly.  He was a young man, with a young family and he used the social networks the same way most of us do, for career advancement, meeting like minded people and staying touch with family and friends.  The tributes and well wishes written and left on his social networking sites were touching, heartfelt and brought a great deal of sympathy to his family.  Slowly people began to unfriend him, letting him go and saying goodbye in their way.  A few could not let go and would not unfriend him, this may well have kept his accounts alive, and I have no way of knowing whether his accounts would have closed naturally if they had.  Either way, just under three years had passed and his accounts were still active.  It was time to close them, time for us as a family to be able to move on.  He can never be replaced, he will never be forgotten, he remains in our hearts but the future calls and it is time to move forward.

Once we had decided we wanted the accounts closed, I set about working out how we could achieve our goal.  Some of these sites have no customer service to contact, no one to explain the circumstances to.  They do all have one thing in common though, the email address.  The email address is used to setup all of our social networking sites and which all updates and notifications are sent to.  The email address is where password reminders are sent if we forget our log in details.  His email address was the key to unlocking all of his social networking accounts, if I could access his email account I would gain access to everything else.  I contacted his email provider via email, as again there was not customer service contact telephone number, telling them who I was and stating my issues.  I didn't really expect they would be able to help as there are data protection issues and regulations contravening what I was asking for.  They did email me back with a reference number and a contact telephone number.  I called their contact centre and was able to provide them with sufficient information and proof that they were able to perform a transfer of ownership of his email address to me.  They were supposed to write to me with details on how to gain access to his account, they never did, but they must have reactivated his email address, because I was able to gain access to the reset password, guess his security question answers and reset his password.  I was now in to his email account.  From this point I was able to reset the passwords on all of his social networking accounts and one by one I closed them down.  

As a person who has worked and lived the technology for over 20 years, I had never considered what would happen to my accounts after I'm gone.  My security is reasonable and I don't share my passwords with other people and they are not remembered on my computer.  I have, however, as a direct result of this, put together an envelope with instructions for my family which includes a card with a list of my social networking accounts, email addresses and their passwords.  I will need to remember to keep this up to date, but it provides a good place to start and more than I had to go on.

I closed the last one on the anniversary of his death, after I made one last post on his wall, Goodbye, love always, your big sis xxxx

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Windows Live Writer

I thought I’d give Windows Live Writer a go, so here goes.

Connecting Lived Writer to my Blog accounts was really easy and I can manage all my blogger accounts from here.  The layout of Live writer is just like the new versions of MS word…with the Ribbon;  Editing the font is the same as editing in word, so really easy to use.  The thing I like the most is the live spell checker.  Again like word, it underlines the words it thinks I may have spelt incorrectly and the F7 key brings up Spell Checker.

The insert photograph option is good for me as this blog is about photography and technology. 


All in all Windows Live Writer looks to be a good option for new blog writers as it is very simple to use.  I have to say I quite like it and my well continue to use it.

The final test will be how it posts to my blog site…  Lets give it a try.

A slight technical error there, caused by the user (Problem exists between keyboard and chair).

It posted without any issues, however then saving this as a draft to the website then removed the posting to live.  I also found that editing the post in Blogger was difficult as it showed all of the code.

Apart from those couple of issue, mostly caused by me;  The software is easy to use; works well and published well.  I like it.


Sunday, 20 March 2011

Photos, Windows 7 and the Cloud

Building a new pc becomes quite a long process; installing windows, I opted for windows 7; then all the software I use. I like Gimp and Ufraw for handling the raw images from my Nikons. Then I needed to transfer all of my documents and photos across from my laptop, that took several hours, so I went bed and left it running. Then there came the shortcuts to all the websites I use, Facebook, Flickr, Blogger to name but a few, all the username and passwords for each, I'm sure I've missed several, but they'll come to light in time.

Once I was happy most of what I will need was on my nice new pc, I thought I would have a look at the raw photos I had taken recently. My laptop has been playing up for some time, hence no new photos have been posted for a while. But alas I had forgotten how rubbish windows was at displaying the thumbnails of raw files. Time for a quick rethink!

I decided to give the Windows Live Photo Gallery a try, It couldn't do any worse than windows was doing on it's own. And to my surprise the software was actually pretty good. Not only does it display my raw files well enough for me to able to choose which files I want to work on, but i really like the batch tagging option, which I will use as it makes it easier to find images later. I also like the cloud editing and sharing options, which I will try to see if they are any good.

I know there are other ways of doing everything this software can do, but in all I was pleasantly surprised with the windows live photo gallery as a means of managing my images.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Social Networks and Blogging

Social networks and blogging, what's it all about? I have been asked that question very recently. The short answer I gave was that it is a way of like mind people to share their ideas, views and tips. That's certainly why I started out on the social media networks. My first blog Not Just Surviving, Thriving is about my battle with depression and I write in it when I have something to share. As part of my recovery from depression I started drawing, painting and taking photographs. The photography really took off and before I knew it I was being asked to photograph weddings, take portraits of peoples children, plus I was out photographing the plants and animals of our beautiful countryside.

So to share these images and promote my photography I started a Facebook page and I started this blog Picture It Photography.

Going back to the original question, what's it all about? It's about sharing ideas. So am I a sucessful blogger? Well my answer to that is, if just one person is helped by my Not just surviving, thriving blog, or just one person is inspired or made to smile by my photographs then I have succeeded. But remember life is not about the goal, it is about the journey. Enjoy the journey and you have led a successful life.