I thought I’d give Windows Live Writer a go, so here goes.
Connecting Lived Writer to my Blog accounts was really easy and I can manage all my blogger accounts from here. The layout of Live writer is just like the new versions of MS word…with the Ribbon; Editing the font is the same as editing in word, so really easy to use. The thing I like the most is the live spell checker. Again like word, it underlines the words it thinks I may have spelt incorrectly and the F7 key brings up Spell Checker.
The insert photograph option is good for me as this blog is about photography and technology.
All in all Windows Live Writer looks to be a good option for new blog writers as it is very simple to use. I have to say I quite like it and my well continue to use it.
The final test will be how it posts to my blog site… Lets give it a try.
A slight technical error there, caused by the user (Problem exists between keyboard and chair).
It posted without any issues, however then saving this as a draft to the website then removed the posting to live. I also found that editing the post in Blogger was difficult as it showed all of the code.
Apart from those couple of issue, mostly caused by me; The software is easy to use; works well and published well. I like it.